In our daily lives, we often grumble that our lives could be, should be, must be as happy and as wealthy as we wish, must be as splendid as what we have dreamed it to be. We grumble when things are not going according to our wishes. We grumble at the slightest dissatisfaction, we grumble when someone makes trouble for us. We grumble when we don't earn as much as the stranger next door. We grumble when we don't have a more cushy job as our friends. We grumble when our lovers don't love us enough. We grumble when life is not going smoothly for us.
Tonight, I would beg to differ. In retrospect, I think many people do care for me and love me, so much so that I take things for granted often enough. On hindsight, I don't think I have any real enemies. I have met many people who have helped me, be it in work, in studies, in relationships, in family affairs, and many many more people who would not hesitate to lift me out of the doldrums in my dejected times. Many are patient enough with me to accomodate my ever-changing fickle mood swings. Sometimes when someone treats me too well, I responded by being real bochap, simply oblivion and expressionless. It was always the aftermath that I realised I was behaving like an idiot. I am thankful of my good karma in being able to meet these people, angels and guardians who care for me selflessly. I do hope to repay their kindness within this lifetime and hope that I will not hurt any more people.
To the benefactors whom I have the good fortune to know, in the past and especially now, thank you for helping me grow a little wiser. I will always remember you.
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