Sunday 2 September 2007

Cramped bears

Was at Compasspoint Mall in Seng Kang last night. Purposely brought niece and nephew there to see the Care Bears in person! It was some mall promotions where you can meet the Care Bears and take pictures with them. Niece is one "old" fan, as those there were mostly toddlers and kids below 5.

Finally Share Bear and Love-A-Lot Bear showed up for the photo taking. I snapped photos for them. After that it was time for dinner. Then I remembered why I don't go Compasspoint often, it's because it's far and also because of the horrendous crowds during weekends. As Seng Kang is a relatively new estate, the people there tend to be young families, young couples with babies in tow. It was hard to move about without being jostled around by the baby prams, parents screaming, babies crying, children screaming at the top of their lungs etc.. All these made the whole place on each floor pretty noisy and cramped.

The foodcourt was worse. We walked a few rounds without finding any seats and I must say the layout of the food court is haphazard. I wonder how can diners eat in peace without being pushed around by others standing next to you waiting and staring and breathing down at you to finish eating. We gave up and decided to go Jack's Place instead. Again they said we have to wait 20 minutes for seats. After 5 minutes Mom gave up, because she was very hungry by then. So we headed back to the food court. Mom asked to share a 4-seater table with a man and his young daughter, while waiting for them to finish. Niece and nephew refused to sit with them. The man really took a loooooong time to finish his dessert, talking about being considerate Singaporeans. On the last count, the food was terrible, I had Korean Seafood Ramen Soup, Mom had Koo Kee Yong Tau Foo noodles and the kids had chicken rice.

It was a terrible place to spend a weekend. I don't think I will go there again unless for some specific reason. I prefer remaining in an older estate where it's smaller, with better food and I don't have to fight with anyone for a seat. As for shopping and more glam food I can always go to the city and Orchard Road where there are plenty of malls around. I stay in central Singapore, going to Parkway Parade in Katong or Bugis Junction or Raffles City or Suntec or Marina Square or Orchard.... is such a breeze, even going to Mustafa is quite near and convenient and I don't prefer to waste my time in heartland malls where they are always crowded and noisy eg. Compasspoint, Junction 8, Jurong Point, Tampines Mall etc. Just this beats paying little bit more for property and housing in the central.

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