Saturday 26 January 2008

The Queen

I had a dream last week. I was in a tropical place with many trees and green bushes, the weather was cool and windy, it's somewhere near the sea.

There were many people around busy preparing offerings in a big open space. Then when the offerings were ready, the people quickly gathered around as some sort of a procession started. Then I saw someone carryinga big photo frame of His Holiness Dalai Lama and walking slowly. Many people bowed in respect. I saw myself doing 3 prostrations. Just as he walked passed me, I clasped my palm in respect. Then when I opened my palm, I saw a small bunch of blueberries appeared on my palm. I was looking at the berries in bewilderment.

The show was not over. Then suddenly I saw Queen Sirikit of Thailand appeared with her entourage. She was in her royal gown and wearing gold and silver. The Queen looked young, like in her younger days. Again when she walked nearer, many people bowed. Then I saw myself kneeling down in respect. She came towards me, and when she reached me, her hand pressed lightly on my head many times, as if blessing me. In the dream I saw myself with eyes closed, too scared to lift my head and shocked that the Queen is blessing me. The gesture was quite similar to Rinpoches giving blessings.

I was a little surprised with this dream. Why the Thai Queen is blessing me??

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