I recently found and scanned so many old photos and there is so much to recall of those childhood days.
This photo was taken when I was about 2 or 3 years old in one of my aunt's (father's sister) house. And I realised this was the only and last photo I took together with my parents as well as my paternal grandparents as a family, while my grandpa was still alive. I was the kid on the left carried by my Father with my Mom standing behind. The elderly couple sitted were my grandparents.
I remember my paternal Grandmother was not exactly a very friendly person compared to my maternal Grandma. And as my Mom's mother-in-law, she was much feared by my Mom as she was strict. My Grandmother was a young missy from a rich family before she married, so she was used to being served by maids. I guess she expected that from her daughters-in-law as well, while she doted more on her sons and daughters.
Although I only knew my Grandpa for about 6 years before he passed away, I was so much closer to him than my Grandmother, because Grandpa loved me alot and he took care of me. My Grandmother passed away when I was 16. However compared to the rest of her other grandchildren, I think I spent the most time with her when she was alive, because she was staying at my house almost all the time.
I remember my Grandmother would sometimes asked me to go to the provision shop to buy snacks for her, as her legs were weak. I normally grudgingly agreed or ignored her. I think this was my reaction to her not-so-nice treatment of my Mom. There was once when I was in primary 6 she asked me to buy biscuits for her and I refused. She slowly made her way downstairs herself. Then I began to feel a little guilty and got worried about her, so I secretively followed her from behind and watched her, and made sure she did not fall. When she saw me, she bought tit bits for me as well.
During her last few years, Grandmother had problem walking and became senile. We had a maid to look after her. Once, my Mom was bathing her and although she was in her senile state, she suddenly turned and grabbed my Mom's hand tightly and said in Hokkien "你...好, 你...好" ("you... good, you... good ). My Mom was a little taken aback but it was my Grandmother's way of saying thanks to her all these years. After that my Grandmother became bedridden and had to be monitored in the hospital. During her last few weeks, I would visit her every other day or once a week. In her subconscious state, she kept muttering my name throughout. I was having my preliminary O Levels examinations when she passed away, I did not get to see her in her final moments.
I guess in life, sometimes, no matter how much we dislike someone, or could not get along with someone, but if we spent so much time together, a kind of rapport or love or respect would still developed. And this is what I call 亲情 heartwarming family love.
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