Wednesday 29 April 2009

Char-Kway-Teow Kosong

Had Char Kway Teow today. The auntie at the stall was shocked I did not want ingredients like fish cake, cockles, prawns or sotong. I instructed her, just veggies like beansprouts and chye sim with egg.

So she gave me a really big plate of almost plain char kway teow. In a way it was nice, it tasted like breakfast dark noodles which are usually devoid of ingredients except beansprouts. For Char Kway Teow I just like the sweet black sauce that was used to fry the kway teow plus the mashed egg in it, that's all. Actually normally, I do not like the fish cake or prawns in this dish anyway. As for cockles usually, I just take one or two. So, although it was plain char kway teow today, I had say, I didn't miss much. :)

Some snaps I took recently.

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