Sunday 21 June 2009

Just another day in paradise...

Had a lazy Sunday. I was nursing a sore throat and stuck nose because of the hazy hot weather. The doctor suspected sinus. The medicine made me so drowsy that I slept and slept.
But nothing could come between me and breakfast .... even the sore throat...... especially when it's my favourite black carrot cake from my favourite stall..... Watched some travel program on cable, and it had to be Lhasa, Tibet... only whetting my appetite for travel only.... it is one of the places I would love to visit.... Watched Japan Hour too, and it was showing all the hot springs in Japan.... ahhhh.... another place I would love to visit. Had the ah-boh-leng (peanut dumpling beancurd) from Mr Bean at tea time..... never mind my throat.... :)
Had time to sniff the flowers along the way.... the beauty of nature......
Then it was dinner time again. Brought parents for dinner nearby, had father's favourite Fish Head Curry and mom's favourite Sambal Petai with Minced Pork. Eh..... nevermind my throat ..... Now time to take medicine again and be knocked out for the night... How's your Sunday?

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