Monday 22 June 2009

The simple things matter

Didn't have a proper home-cooked dinner for about 2 weeks. So I enjoyed dinner at home tonight. When I say proper dinner, means when everyone were home for dinner and also means I liked the dishes.
Mom cooked dinner tonight. She also bought roasted chicken from a nice stall in Geylang Bahru. She asked me to cook chicken rice to go with the roasted chicken. I used the Sing Long brand chicken rice mix and cooked it with plain rice, adding pandan leaves and ginger.
I added braised sauce and cucumber slices onto the chicken. Mom stir fried some small Chye Sim. At the same time, she stir fried fish slices with celery and young corn ( I love young corn). Mom also brewed a big pot of soup with so many ingredients in it that it tasted so out of this world (there were corn, radish, carrot, peanuts, red dates, cuttlefish, pork ribs, dried longan).
Since it was such an enjoyable dinner, I made dessert. I boiled peanut and black sesame dumplings in pandan soup mixed with brown sugar. It is my niece's favourite.
A heartwarming meal. I guess home cooked meals like this are what I treasure most and what I would miss the most for many years to come. That's why I love to eat at home whenever I can.