Tuesday 4 August 2009

The look in your eyes

Latest photos of Baby Amber, my buddy's girl, who is almost one month.  Such a beautiful baby. There is something unique about her eyes and nicely-shaped eye brows and I love her ears.

Talking about buddy, another primary school mate of mine found me in Facebook. Have not seen her for umpteen years. Wow, she did not age abit. She was asking me to join her and some of my classmates (her gang) for lunch sometime this month. They are meeting at Ritz Carlton for lunch, then thereafter going for spa and then dinner again. Adoi, sound so tai-tai activities, no?  My classmate urged me to meet them, and to give the rest a surprise (she won't tell them). She said my "partner", PF, would love to meet me too.  Well you see, in primary school, we were usually paired up with someone during assembly queues or in class sitting arrangement, based on our heights then. Well, PF was my height and my "partner" then and she was a very nice quiet girl. I remember we were among the taller ones in class, our number was 16 out of 20 pairs (40 students per class). Heard PF is now a tai tai, so lucky.  Anyway, can't wait to meet them.

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