Sunday, 23 August 2009

Lotsa patterns

One of the days, had an "idyllic" day with nephew. I didn't know that with a 7-year-old around, by the end of the day, I felt as if I had conquered Mt Everest.

Nephew:  "Yeeyee, can I use your computer?
Me:  "No."
Nephew: "But why ?? But I want leh.... "
Me:  "No"
Nephew:  "Then, can I play with your handphone?"
Me: "No"
Nephew: "But whyyyyy? I want, can??"
Me:  "No"
Nephew:  "Pleeeeease leh...."
Me:  "No"
Nephew:  "Then what can I dooooooo.? So boring....."
Me: "Read a book."
Nephew: "I never bringgggg"
Me: "Read newspaper"
Nephew: "Read already, nothing much. Please leh, what can I do?" 
Me:  "Do some assessment"
Nephew: "Never bringgggg"
Me: "Ok later in the afternoon I bring you to the playground"
Nephew: "Yay!!!"

Peace for 10 minutes.
10 minutes later.....

Nephew: "Yeeyee, what can I do? Can I play with your computer?"
Me:  ***AAARGGGGHHHH!!!***

Finally brought the rascal downstairs. Had just rained, playground was wet, could not play. Brought him to neighbourhood shops, walked around. I asked if he was hungry, if he wanted to eat bread.  Or if he needed bread for his excursion the next day. He shook his head, no, mommy would buy for him.

Went into 7-Eleven.

Nephew: "So good lor, jie jie has the Little Miss pencil case, I don't have."
Me: "But your mommy bought you other presents, remember?"
Nephew: "Yah, but I don't have Little Mister pencil case"
Me: (****pretend not to hear...****)
Nephew: "Wow this Pokemon book is the one my friend lent me, I like lor"
Me: "You already read it"
Nephew: "But I wish I have my own lor..."
Me: "Ok, then I buy for you lor..." (in jest)
Nephew: "NOOOOOOOO...DON'T WANT, WAIT MOMMY SCOLD!!!" (horrified)
Passed by Mr Bean.

Nephew:  "Yeeyee, have you tried the watermelon soya bean before?"

Very diplomatic with purposeful intent. We went in and I ordered the watermelon soya bean.

Nephew: "Yeeyee, have you tried the soya bean nuts? It's very nice you know. Mommy bought it before, we liked it alot."
Me: "You want to eat some nuts?"
Nephew: "It's nice you know. You want to try?"  *smile*

Bought the nuts. 
Nephew: "Wow they sell ice cream here"
Me: "Wow, I didn't know they have soya bean ice cream cone... want to try?"
Nephew: "I don't know leh....."
Me: "Ok, then I try."
Bought the ice cream cone and it was NICE and creamy and we BOTH tried.
Back home, you see 2 channels showing simultaneously on our TV screen, and you know it was the Grandfather and the Grandson who each wanted to watch their own channel. Thank God for modern 42" LCD TV! And both refused to use the two TVs in the bedrooms. *roll eyes*
Even watching TV, nephew has lots of patterns; lying on sofa, lying on the floor, sitting on the coffee table, sitting on sofa hand rest, jumping around, demanding water, playing with rubberband, doing somersaults, arguing with the Grandfather etc...etc....
But if there was a scary scene on TV, he would quickly crouch in a fetal position, both hands covered ears, and eyes closed.... until the heart-popping exciting scene ended.  You see, 坏人单小.
Then, he would also proudly show me his bulging blister on a finger. I said I have a spray to make it burst so that it could heal faster. He refused, because he "like it very much leh". I asked "Not painful?" He said if it burst, he would "feel so sad".  Sigh. 坏人多作怪. So many patterns. No wonder I so tired. But he was considered quite "guai" (obedient) on that day.

His parting shot ..."Yeeyee, can I bring home the spray? Can I ???"

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