Saturday 22 August 2009

Weight-worthy pancakes

One fine morning for breakfast, decided to make my own pancakes for niece and nephew. We had bought a packet of Morinaga pancake mix since the last school holidays and have yet to try it yet.
Each packet of the Morinaga pancake mix came in 4 packs of the ready flour (200g each). Even though I could not read the Japanese instructions, the pictures were pretty easy to follow. For each packet of pancake mix, you only needed 1 egg and 100ml of fresh milk.  First was to crack the egg into the fresh milk and beat it, after which was to pour the pancake mix in. And what you got was a thick creamy mix, ready to cook.

Heating up the pan in low fire, I then scooped up the first blob of fresh pancake mix. One side needed about 2-3 minutes to cook, and flipped to the other side and cook for another 2-3 minutes. And it was ready!
Each pack could make about 5-6 pancakes. I noticed the pancakes were a little thick compared to those from McDonalds. But then the picture on the box was even thicker. So I must have done it right. I have the Mountain Valley maple syrup but without putting butter.
The pancakes smelled of aromatic butter, with egg, milk and ready-made mix. Compared to McDonalds' fluffy pancakes (which tear easily), this one here was firmer and was a more substantial bite with the lovely smell of... well.... pancakes!  One piece was definitely more than enough for each person. So easy to make, as simple as ABC. Next time, I will try to make them thinner. No question, the kids love it.

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