Friday 4 September 2009


Undeterred by the expensive nasi briyani the other day, I was at Marine Parade Central hawker centre, so I ordered Lontong from one of the few Malay stalls there. I have been having breakfast there many years ago.
This was my brunch, which I knew would be a safe choice.  Lontong is compressed rice that is then cut into small squarish cakes. Together with an hard boiled egg, bergedel, fried tau kwa (beancurd), and cabbage with long beans in special gravy, it was so yummilicious. And it only cost $2. 
I also had the Teh Peng (iced milk tea) from the drinks stall next door. After the meal, I felt more grounded and pacified, with my reasonably-priced Lontong fix.

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