Saturday, 5 September 2009

"Someone has cancer!"

Just like to share this post by Yue Heng in his blog.

YueHeng wrote: "This video clip is from a news broadcast of the Dalai Lama's recent trip to Taiwan. I was very touched by a scene which starts at around 0:48. As His Holiness is leaving, a man begins to call out anxiously: "Someone has cancer! She will die. She will die." The Dalai Lama immediately turns around and goes up to a wheelchair-bound woman who is presumably the cancer victim. He embraced her head and presses it to his own face. Buddhist monks are not supposed to have any physical contact with women, but the Dalai Lama probably felt that reaching out to comfort a dying person is more important than observing the rules. In Mahayana Buddhism, compassion is always more important than dogma."

"The clip also shows His Holiness preaching an impromptu sermon on death to the woman."

Dalai Lama speaks wonderful English. As I noticed, many of those present were brimming back tears when He was speaking to them. I believe he was blessing the woman by chanting mantras into her ears.  It was a little sad that his visit to Taiwan was lacklustre, as many of his scheduled activities have been cancelled by the Taiwanese government, in a bid to avoid further conflict with China. His press interview was cancelled. Many countries would give an arm and a leg for His Holiness' visit and his visit to Taiwan was so slipshod.

I have also watched his interviews and clips on TV. Whenever I see and hear him, my eyes will be brimming with tears too. Compassion transcends all boundaries - race, nationality and  language.

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