Monday 13 February 2012

再见了, 凤飞飞

Yet within 24 hours of the news of Whitney Houston's sudden death, I just received news of the passing of another diva, the well-respected singer from Taiwan, 凤飞飞, Feng Fei Fei. She had already departed on 3 Jan 2012, age 60.  Her family did not release news of her passing until now. She died of lung cancer.

Her last words to her fans: “我这一生,过得快乐,活得精彩,感谢陪着我一起走过这段精彩岁月的彩虹姐妹兄弟们,没来得及唱的歌,下辈子再唱给你们听!”

Let's applaud another legend gone beyond. This is her signature song, [掌声响起来]. The other song is the memorable happy [敲敲門] watch her different renditions over time. 

再见了, 凤! Good bye to the Queen of Hats.  May she have a good rebirth.  
This life as impermanent as a water bubble;  
Remember how quickly it decays and death comes. 
Treasure our precious human life.

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