Sunday 12 February 2012

Whitney Houston, we will always love you

This morning I woke up to the sudden news that legendary mega-superstar, Whitney Houston, has died at the age of 48. They do not have news of the actual cause of her death yet, but an article posted less than 24 hours ago, Whitney was caught in camera leaving a nightclub looking messy, drunk and rude, with blood dripping down her legs.  Everyone is guessing it is her addiction to drugs. And she had struggled with the addiction for many years. Such a sad ending for a talented diva who died young, just like Michael Jackson, Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung. 

Whitney sold more than 170 million albums, singles and videos. I am not exactly a fan of hers but during my growing up years, she has such a wholesome image and I love many of her songs... I Will Always Love You, One Moment In Time, Wanna Dance With Someone, All At Once etc.. 

I remember during a trip to Turkey many years ago, I was playing her "I Will Always Love You" in repeat mode all the time, until my friends, my travel mates, got so exasperated with me. Well, you either love or hate this song. Hehe. 

Here's a tribute to Whitney, a 15-minute medley of 21 hit songs across 3 decades. Thanks for the lovely memories, Whitney. May you have a good rebirth.


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