Friday 26 July 2013


Today is 观音诞 the day Guan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) attained Enlightenment. I'm very blessed and thankful that I've met many Bodhisattvas in the human form in this lifetime. May their Compassion grow in me so that I can practice in the same way as them, with Bodhicitta. 

The first song I heard from the radio this morning was 是你变了吗?by 光良 Guang Liang, and it has been playing in my head the whole day. In a way, I thought I should contemplate and ask myself if I have changed (for the better) in any way. 是我变了吗? Has my mind been slowly transformed or am I still the same? That, I think should be of the greatest concern.

A meaningful day spent. 

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