Friday 23 December 2005


Today my office had our little party, on the eve of Christmas Eve. Quite fun actually. This year, I've got lots presents. My angel turned out be one of my girls. She didn't get me the accessory watch which I listed as my first choice, she got my vouchers instead (my 2nd choice). Anyway I am quite particular with the style I wanted for a watch ....

My the other girl D, gave a cosmetic pouch, just what I wanted. My 2 girls gave me chocolates! I love bitter chocolates! My admin girls gave me a handmade silver and gold accessory necklace. My other colleagues gave me my brand of skincare moisturiser spray, facial masks, handphone couch, perfume bottle etc..

Actually I prefer giving presents instead of receiving, especially when what I have chosen for people are really what they wanted. The perfect gift which I want is to see people happy with the gifts I gave them. That's all, seriously. It's good to give and give and give. I look forward to the day which I am able to give and give and give my beloved dearest and kiddies my love. One day soon.

Tonight brought my family out for dinner in a Japanese restaurant. My niece and nephew were thrilled they could sit next to the conveyor belt and take whatever they wanted to eat. They don't know, of course, we have to pay for it. Haha. Anyway, am happy that my Mom and Dad liked their food, delicious succulent well-cooked fish.

My ex-staff "Dash" called me too to wish me a merry christmas. Am happy he still remembers me, and glad that he is doing ok. Anyway he sounded as confident as ever! So good luck to him.

Peace on earth, love to all, happiness within.

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