Monday 1 May 2006

Do something before it's too late

I am very into pujas (prayers) recently especially pujas on obstacles-clearing and karmic debts-clearing. It's a ceremony where a few lamas (monks) will chant prayers for us. During the ceremony, we can chant prayers or meditate. And at the end of the ceremony, Rinpoche will bless us individually. Because in our daily life, we may meet with lots of negative experiences, meeting unpleasant people who make us angry. And when we are angry, we will react with more negative actions, hence inevitably we are committing more negative karma, which will thus result in more obstacles for ourselves whether in this lifetime or future lifetimes.

The past Saturday, I went for a Green Tara puja, which is very popular with Tibetan buddhists. Green Tara is a female buddha that existed in previous lifetimes even before the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. Tara is a very swift and powerful buddha of activity who clears our obstacles and helps us successfully accomplish both temporal and ultimate happiness. One will be able to dispel black magic, charms and disturbances from the formless as well as prevent diseases and harm to oneself. It can also boost one's spiritual growth and career and all aspects of one's life.

I feel strongly that we should do something in order to stop or prevent obstacles from occurring in our lives, thus prevent further suffering, regardless of what is one's religion or background. Even when one is experiencing good times, we should also take the effort to clear our karmic debts and to contribute to the accumulating of good karma through continual good deeds. What more for one who is experiencing bad times, we should take immediate actions in order to improve our situation. Good or bad times, one's life will come back full circle whether within one lifetime or within many lifetimes.

Om tare tuttare ture soha! (Green Tara's mantra)

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