His Eminence Kyabje Lati Rinpoche left Singapore and flew back to India, to prepare for His Holiness Dalai Lama's visit to Gaden Shartse monastery end of this month. Rinpoche is the spiritual advisor of His Holiness for the longest time. I went to the airport to send Rinpoche off. It is always a delight to get so close and personal to a holy living being, a living Buddha. Many people went to see him off as well as his entourage of lamas. Rinpoche is already 86 years old and it is heart breaking to see him fly all the way here to give us teachings, initiations and to heal us. May Rinpoche continue to live a long and healthy life. I always feel I am so fortunate to be able to receive blessings from Rinpoche personally. He is one of the most learned and highest lama in India today.

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