Friday 13 March 2009


Yesterday morning, the bright sun was behind the clouds, creating an interesting formation. It was as if the skies were bursting or something. I did not liked this.

Plus I had just awakened from a nightmare. I had dreamt of this man, someone who was no longer even an acquaintance, whom I shall call Scum. According to the dictionary, the meaning of "scum" is, firstly, "a worthless person (trash)" and secondly, it is also "a film of impurities that forms on the surface" (because he has a horrible rough complexion).

In the dream, I was at home with my sis, happily discussing some business and some clients. I had been doing some homework, and apparently I had drawn out a potential client list which we were excitedly planning to target for some business. I was so happy in the dream, and very excited and enthusiastic about the long list I prepared. Then the doorbell rang. Scum was outside. With an ever "warm" smile (we Chinese called this type a 笑面虎 - smiling tiger) and his super-salesman pitch, he tried to cajole me into opening the door for him. In the dream, I was agitated by his appearance. He managed to get into my house. He was talking non-stop, making all kinds of small/sweet talk. He made me go into the kitchen to get him a drink. While I was still in the kitchen, he quietly left. I was wondering what was going on when I saw my sheet of paper of the long list of client names WAS MISSING. As the realisation sank in, at what the despicable man has done, I blew into a rage, that I wanted to scream. I reached for the phone, wanting to call the police. When the call went through, I was shouting my lungs out but no sound came out at all. Which made me even madder, as it seemed I had lost my voice. God, it was a nightmare.

In real life, Scum was exactly that kind of person in my dream. Don't worry, I did not have any platonic or non-platonic relationship with this scum. It was just a surface business relationship. He was an ugly man with a horrible complexion (plus a few moles on the face), really. He relied purely on his mouth, to convince /cajole people, to trick people, to gossip and to carry tales. And on the business level, many things he did were pretty unscrupulous, unethical and hooliganistic. His selfish intentions were clear as time passed by. We were the ones who were blind. In normal circumstances, I would not have trusted this sort of person from the start, if not for the sake of a loved one. True enough, in time, he shown his true colours. I shall not be too specific about his deeds. I consider myself quite lucky and blessed I found out in a short time. A pity all his followers (victims) were still in the dark. That's why, now, I am even more careful and fussy in selecting people I deal with for business.

My loved ones were saying, how could such a man resort to doing all those things, when he has a wife and a kid. Wasn't he afraid of payback time? I could not be bothered. I had paid my dues and learnt a costly lesson. If I had owed him anything from past lives, I had repaid him fully already. Good riddance. I still shudder at the sight of Scum. I had no intention of talking about this scum anymore if not for that dream. Maybe a part of me wanted to deal with and acknowledge that painful lesson, so that I can move on without any more baggage.

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