A few months ago, I wrote in this blog of watching an interview of a reincarnate Rinpoche on Taiwanese TV. His name is 盛噶仁波切 ( I do not know his name in English). He was on the programme because he had just released his autobiography "Diary of A Living Buddha". Few days ago, I stumbled upon this book and bought it. I read that the book and the Kalachakra card that came with the book have been personally blessed by Rinpoche.
As the book was in Mandarin, I did not start reading it immediately, because I know it will take me a while to finish the book, due to my average Mandarin reading skill. So I left the book on my table next to my computer in my bedroom for a few days. Today, as I was lying in bed reading a magazine, a butterfly appeared out of nowhere, fluttering around my room a few times. It did not leave even though my windows are wide open and I tried shoo-ing it away. It just flew round and round. Then all of a sudden, it flew right onto Rinpoche's book lying on my table. It circled a few rounds before resting on top of the book, right next to the picture of Rinpoche. I was a little amazed, but I left it as that. After a few hours it was still there. When I tried to chase it away again, it flew off. Then within one minute it came back and rested on top of the book again.
By now, I am really wondering what is going on. Again I wonder if there is any connotation to this. I had 2 experiences with butterflies. Once, when a highly accomplished lama, His Eminence Lati Rinpoche was giving the Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment, as he was walking towards the statue of Buddha, a huge butterfly was following closely behind him. And the second time, when I was circumbulating around the huge statue of Amitabha Buddha in a temple, 2 small butterflies were also following me. That was why I view seeing the butterfly near any holy objects as having some significance. I also tried to search for some answers from the internet.
They say that some Holy Objects are so powerful that "even an insect that has the shadow of a holy object and touch them will be reborn in a higher realm." Meaning a butterfly that flits in and out of a shadow of a holy object will attain a human body or better in it's next incarnation. I know this sounds unbelievable but so is the blessing power of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
I better start reading the book.
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