Thursday 3 March 2005

Crabby me?

If I were to name a dish to describe myself, I think it's most probably Chilli Crab! It is a famous must-try dish when visitors come to Singapore. Why Chilli Crab me?

1. I love to eat crabs
2. I may appear stubborn on the outside (hard shell) but very soft-hearted inside
3. I'm a simple person (like the Crab, it doesn't need too much stuff to garnish the dish)
4. The crab doesn't walk straight, I don't think straight (I like to consider many possibilities before taking action).
5. I'm easy-going at most times, but once provoked, watch out for my claws!

6. I get crabby (ie. cranky) when I don't satisfy my crab cravings
7. I love the sea, very much a sea creature
8. The crab is my Zodiac sign
9. I've got lots of water in my destiny chart
10. I've got lotsa "crap" to write about!

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