Wednesday 23 January 2008


This is a post by Quan Yi Feng, a local host which I like for her forthrightness, remembering her friends she just lost.

农历新年就快到了 ! 对我来说只有过了农历新年才算是过了一年. 回望过去这一年 , 有欢笑有悲伤 , 有相聚也有分离。

2007年年尾到 2008 初 , 短短两个月内我就失去了俩个朋友。他们走得太突然,太年轻,以至于教人心酸, 让人不舍!到现在我手机里还留著 Freddy and MC King 俩人的电话号码 , 我舍不得 Delete ,舍不得…………! 每每把玩电话, 在手机里找人名打电话时总会不经意掠过俩人的名字。这好像一直在提醒我 , 他们曾经来过这世上 , 我和他们曾在人生路程上碰过面。


可是我真的不想也不敢。不想是因为不舍,不敢是因为深怕自己会忘了他们。。。我从来都不记得他们的号码 , 只靠手机的电话簿 ,Delete了之后我就永远失去了他们 !

Yes, just like Quan Yi Feng, when I lose a friend, will I bear to delete their number in my handphone? Does deleting the number means I will lose him/her forever? Does deleting automatically erase the past where you remember the times you spent together? Does deleting a memory means the past never happened? We can't bring back the past, but can we move on comfortably with life when you know you had lost someone so precious and there is no turning back? We can try to delete the unhappiness, we can try to delete the good times, but can we delete each other out of our minds just like that? Can we delete the fact that fate had once upon a time made us crossed each other's paths and magically connected us? Do we have to wait till our next lives to be reunited? Even then can we delete our past? 我舍不得....
Can YOU delete your past?

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