Wednesday 11 March 2009

10,000,000 times!

Today is the 15th of the lunar month and also the last day of the Tibetan New Year. As mentioned earlier, the first 15 days of the New Year are extremely important as Shakyamuni Buddha displayed a different miracle each day for 15 days and whereby many beings were inspired, developed deep faith in the Buddha and were led onto the path to enlightenment. During these 15 days (25 Feb to 11 March), all of our positive actions are multiplied many times. On this very auspicious day 11 March 2009 your merit will be multiplied 10 million times, which happens only 4 times per year.

It was said during this time, in the city of Shravasti, Buddha accepted the challenge and stood before a huge assembly of people and proceeded to perform miracle after miracle during the first fortnight of the lunar New Year. The rival teachers were eclipsed almost immediately, as Buddha produced spectacular manifestations. He threw down a toothpick and grew a giant wish-granting gem tree. He rinsed his mouth with scented water, and celestial lakes with divine ducks and jewel lotuses appeared. He concentrated and emitted rays of light, and hosts of Buddhas, bodhisattvas and gods filled the skies.

Teachings of liberation and awakening, reverberating in every language known to man, illumined the minds of all assembled. He even manifested a vision of himself multiplying infinitely, his compassionate energy becoming clearly present to everyone's awareness.

On this day, I made donations to 2 organisations. One was to FPMT (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition). FPMT is based on the Gelugpa tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa as taught by Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Specifically donated to the
Long Life Puja for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Another donation was made to Club Rainbow Singapore which helps children suffering from a range of chronic and life-threatening illnesses, and their families. Children always have a place in my heart, especially unfortunate children.

If you have done a positive action, take for example, donated US$50, the merit would have multiplied 10 million times. Figuratively you would have created US$ 500 millions worth of merit! On the same breath, if you have done a negative action, for example, scolded someone, it would seemed like you have scolded 10 million people! Do more good deeds, ok?

"Offering even one cent to the Sangha community brings uncountable benefit and merit. As long as the Sangha community exists, your merit exist. It will not be exhausted. When making the offering in your mind dedicate strongly for your purpose and make strong prayers for all your wishes to be fulfilled"

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