Wednesday 18 March 2009

July kid

Eversince Facebook changed its stupid layout/template, many people had been taking lots of quizzes about any topic under the sky. One of my friends took "What does your birthday say about you?" quiz. So I "borrowed" what they say about July as I am born in July too.

Fun to be with.
I'm not sure about this, I'm probably fun to be with if the person is someone I like and who likes me.

Yeah, everyone has their secrets. I'll be frank if confronted. Otherwise I will not volunteer anything out of the blue. And I can keep secrets .... or till I found out I was betrayed.

Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
Yes agree 100%. I don't think anyone has really truly understood me. And if I think I've been grossly misunderstood by people I care, I will go back into my crabby shell and never come out.

Quiet unless excited or tensed.
I think everyone is a little of this sometime. Just that when I'm tensed I'm as quiet as a mouse, more than normal.

Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation.
There was one and only someone who said I'm arrogant because of something. When it's time to be proud, then we deserve to be proud of something we have done or achieved. I think having that little confidence is better than wallowing in inferiority complex or some complex.

Easily consoled. Honest.
Haha honest yes. But I am not easily consoled, unless by the kids.

Concerned about people's feelings.
I think this strength has become my weakness, being overly concerned about people who couldn't care less about me.

Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.
Yes. Yes. Yes. 99% of the time.

Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
This is 100% true. I need to take a hold of my emotional temperament at times. I do not have outbursts unless I'm up to the brim. And how I react and resolve some problem will be pretty unpredictable. Most of the time, I will try to talk it out, then walk away.

Moody and easily hurt.
Bingo. I do not show this outwardly but I have my moods and become crabby.

Witty and sparkly.
I think to boring quieter friends, I am the spark of conversation. But with loud friends, I'm a very quiet person.

Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.
I do not care for revenge even if I was wronged. And at the bottom of my heart, I normally would have forgiven any wrongdoing towards me, but really, I can remember any spat for life.

Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
I prefer to do things fast and avoid unnecessary steps that are a waste of time.

Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
I'm super sensitive and usually do trust people after the long observation. Usually I am 90% accurate in my judgement. I'm still mad about those 10% who proved me wrong.

Caring and loving. Treats others equally.
My weakness is probably sometimes I am too caring and tend to treat people I like with certain biasness.

Strong sense of sympathy.
Cancerians are the most sympathetic creatures, and hard not to cry if see or hear something very sad and touching.

Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations.
I am sharp and usually accurate in my observation and in assessing most people's character and motives.

I am past the days of working hard blindly, now it's work smart.

No difficulties in studying.
I had my lull days when I was young, as I'm not scholar material but I do scrap through somehow. If I'm bored enough, I'll probably take my doctorate in some unusual subject before I die.

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