It was a bittersweet and heartwarming movie, of the lives of a couple and their dog Marley. I did not expect the movie to have such overwhelming response especially in the US. There are definitely lots of dog lovers in the world. And I believe many shed a tear or two towards the ending. So I understand why this movie and book had touched the hearts of many, particularly passionate dog lovers.

However, on many counts, the movie dealt with the issues faced by the couple rather superficially. I felt the story should have centered more in developing or showcasing Marley's character, from his angle, and not just about a couple's adjustment to a life with a hyperactive dog. Depth was what I felt was somewhat lacking.
Anyway, I was there just to gawk at Marley. Imagine how many Marley-lookalikes they had to engage in this show, from puppy to grown up. The puppy was so cute. It also reminded me of that crippled doggy I once saw in end 2007.
Perhaps the most important message of all is, in John Grogan’s (the owner) own words, “A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor; give him your heart, and he’ll give you his."

I enjoyed this movie, too