Tuesday 10 March 2009

That condo in the dream

Passed by this condominium near Haig Road a few days ago. I remembered this condo. Long ago I had a dream about a friend, Miss Piggy. In the dream Miss Piggy and I were walking around this condo, going to some place. On the outside of this condo, there were a few stalls or tables where people were peddling some things. We browsed through the stalls and saw some people we knew. We saw a big dog there too and we were playing with the dog, which appeared to be very tame.

I could not recalled what the middle of the dream was about but it ended with Miss Piggy and I going to some place, which I blogged about
here. It ended with us seeing a very very huge statue of Lama Tsongkhapa and we saw many lamas prostrating to him. It was when I woke up then that I realised it was Lama Tsongkhapa Day and it was the first time I had dreamt of him. I was so happy then.

The only thing that made me curious was, what was the significance of being in that particular condo in Haig Road? What was so special about the place and why was I with Miss Piggy? Till today, I still have no answer.

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