Thursday 29 January 2009


I just heard first-hand news on how the Ox has come to clash with Goat people. A friend, who is a Goat, related what happened to her and her husband these few days. They were supposed to have left for a holiday before CNY. Her husband who was working in Malaysia, came back to Singapore. But he forgot his air tickets for their vacation and left them in Malaysia. So he got his driver to send them back to him.

The driver while driving from Malaysia back to Singapore got involved in a hit and run accident. Apparently, he was hit and robbed as well. His mobile phone, the air tickets and the money his boss had given him were all stolen. When the husband did not hear from his driver, he thought something might have happened. He and one of his staff then drove to Malaysia to try to find his driver on the same route. They passed by a spot, saw an overturned motorbike. Then they learnt there was an accident and the driver was sent to the hospital, now in A&E. His staff upon hearing this, wanted to find out more about what happened, so he crossed the road to ask some people there. Unfortunately, he was also knocked down by a passing hit-and-run truck. He broke his hip bones. Her husband, who saw what happened, was too shocked and passed out.

My friend in Singapore did not hear from her husband, and could not contact him on the phone. She did not know where he was. She spent the past weekend alone at home, waiting anxiously for him, when they should have flown off for their vacation. She did not inform anyone. She spent the past Saturday and Sunday visiting the temple, without knowing what else to do, and she did not want to disrupt anyone's CNY. She visited her father-in-law's tablet in the columbarium and prayed for her husband's safety.

On the first day of CNY morning, she woke up with still no news of her husband. She saw a dead bird in her big koi pond (first time a bird was found dead in her pond). My poor friend was so worried she decided to go to the police station to make a police report of a missing person. As she was on the way, she discovered she has left her handphone at home. So she turned back. And then her husband called. Apparently, he has lost consciousness for 2 days and was in a Malaysian hospital, so could not have contacted her. The doctor has said he was lucky to be alive as his blood pressure shot up to a dangerous high which could have caused a stroke when he passed out.

Then last night as my friend was home alone, she suddenly smelt smoke coming from her neighbour's house. When she peeped over the wall, she saw a fire on the grass pad and a tree. She was shouting and shouting to see if anyone was home. Finally someone came and put out the fire. If my friend was already asleep upstairs earlier, her house might have been set on fire as well. Imagine what would have happened.

After all the numerous unlucky events that happened within a few days, my friend was so shaken and exhausted and in fear. She is scared what else will happen next. When I heard all these, I found them too incredulously unbelievable. Why so suay? She told me tomorrow she will be going to pray to Tai Sui (Great Duke Jupiter).

It is up to you to believe whether such clashes exist when your own animal sign is in conflict with the annual year animal. There is an old saying 宁可信其有,不可信其无. I would rather believe in it than do not believe in it.
Just make sure you take preventive measures as much as you can and be protected.

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