Monday 23 March 2009

The perfect cut

Last week saw the ending of Perfect Cut 2. I really liked the show. Every episode would have me pondering over some issues, and the script was good. There was a lesson or two to be learnt in each episode which was what I liked - be it human relationship issues, love issues or ethical issues.

The last episode was about the break up between the doctor and his girlfriend and also involving a third party. It was touching watching the girlfriend pining and missing her boyfriend who went missing in action for over 100 days. Each day, she would send him an sms, telling him about her day and always it would go like this ... "First day without Alex, I went ....", "Second day without Alex, I was ......", "30th day without Alex, I did...." etc... The boyfriend saw all the smses but never once did he replied. She opened the very first gift given by boyfriend (somehow the gift remained not opened since day one). She was broken by the separation and touched by the gift which she finally opened. And as the boyfriend said, he did not want to be Number One anymore, he just wanted to be her Only One.

Have you ever had similar experience as theirs? Have you ever been apart from your girlfriend/boyfriend for more than 100 days without news of each other? Or was it more than 365 days? Have you ever felt how silly a misunderstanding or quarrel has ruined your relationship? Have you ever thought if you could turn back the clock, how you would have dealt with some issues better? Have you ever wished he/she would understand you better? Have you really understand him/her as well? Just some provoking thoughts for us, if you were to go through the same situation, what would you have done? Was your experience bitter or sweet?

"Love is a gift. You can't buy it, you can't find it, someone has to give it to you. Learn to be receptive and be grateful of that gift.” - Kurt Langner

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