Wednesday 25 February 2009

Happy Losar!

Today is the 1st day of the lunar 2nd month based on chinese calendar. Today is also Losar, which is the Tibetan New Year. The first 15 days of the New Year are extremely important as it was during this time that Shakyamuni Buddha displayed a different miracle each day for fifteen days and defeated the leaders of India's six main philosophical schools. Upon seeing the miracles, many beings were inspired, developed deep faith in the Buddha and were led onto the path to enlightenment.

During these 15 days (25 Feb to 11 March), all of our positive actions are multiplied many times. It will be good if we can make offerings of water, flowers, incense, light, perfume and food from now till 11 March. By making offerings to the Buddhas, we accumulate extensive merit which is the main cause of happiness and success.

"When you cherish others, all your wishes are fulfilled."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche

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