Tuesday 24 March 2009

By the boat quay

As I was nearby, I went to the OCBC main branch office to make payment for my Robinson's card's overdue bill. I was still using the very old Robinsons card, the one which was not the OCBC-Robinsons card, so I did not need to pay subscription fees. Usually for any OCBC credit cards, we could make payment via any cash deposit machines or AXS machines. However for this Robinsons card, I was told by a counter staff a long time ago that I needed to pay personally at the counter or otherwise I should send a cheque by post. I could not do it through the ATM machines, I was told. That explained why I was always late in payment.

Then today i
n the queue, one bank officer came towards me, and when I told her what I intended to do, she said very politely she would show me how I could do it through the machine. I resisted and tried to explain I tried last time and was told I could not, particularly for this card. She assured me, and helped me deposit the payment through the machine without any hassle. I asked why did they told me I could not do so previously. I would like to compliment this lady for her good service and for being very patient. Now I know I could pay my bills timely with the machine nearby my house.

After that, I walked passed Boat Quay where all the restaurants and pubs were. I walked past Molly Malone's restaurant and was trying desperately to recall who was I with when I ate there umpteen years ago. And I still could not recall who. I liked the walk through all the old shophouses. I used to wine and dine there quite a number of years ago when I started working. The restaura
nts were so expensive then. I remembered my buddies and I used to patronise a Japanese restaurant there with a predominantly red decor theme. It has since closed down.

Next, I saw this particularly small and old building above the shophouse. The office on the upper floors used to be my Grandfather's company in the 1950s or 60s. My Grandfather used to deal with the import-export business. I remembered Mom told me in those days, she would visit my Grandfather's office to help out after she knocked off from work at the Police HQ. My mom was a civil servant all her life serving the Police Force. She told me she used to give her entire pay packet to my Grandfather every month, and my Grandfather would in turn, gave her a certain amount of pocket money for herself. Being the eldest, she had to help Grandfather in supporting her huge family of 11 siblings and extended families.
I thought Mom was quite poor thing then.

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