Cooking up a storm
These were some dishes that I tried to cook recently. They were all edible and some turned out quite nice actually.
After watching TV where someone used Bai He (otherwise known as Bulbus Lilii) to cook soup, I wanted to try what these white flower petals were all about. When I happened to chance
upon Bai He in the supermarket, decided to have a go. However on the day of cooking, I discovered I do not have sufficient ingredients for the Bai He soup. So from the web, I found a Creamy Bai He recipe, which supposedly just used Bai He and milk and other condiments. I thought it was too risky as I did not even know the taste of Bai He. So I added some pork slices to it. It turned out to be sweet and real milky looking. It tasted alright but everyone were just not used to the sweet savoury dish.
Next is Cabbage with Taupok and Roast Pork. I did not have roast pork, hence I used a can of stewed pork, which was sweeter than roast pork. I stir fried all the cabbage, taupok (bean curd skin), stewed pork and mushrooms. This dish was nice and appetising.
I had some premix fish curry sauce. So I added brinjal and cherry tomatoes along with the fish to cook Curry Fish. And since it was premixed, the curry sauce tasted alright. I should have used more fish, because I ended with loads of sauce.
The last dish is Braised Tau Kwa (beancurd). This is a traditional dish passed down by Grandma and everyone including mom and aunts and uncles have been trying to emulate Grandma's version which was really fantastic. We eat this normally with plain porridge in Grandma's house, as the braised t
au kwa was salty enough and very juicy. I cut the tau kwa into cubes and fried them till they were a little golden brown. Then I added mushrooms and the tau kwa into the pot to be slowly cooked. A special spice I added was the Star Aniseed, which really made a difference in the final taste of the tau kwa. Erm... my version is not quite there yet compared to Grandma's delicious version, but it was better than those selling outside.
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