Tuesday 21 April 2009

Chee Pow Kai

Happened to read about Paper Wrapped Chicken 纸包鸡. It reminded me of the Paper Wrapped Chicken (Chee Pow Kai) from Union Farm Eating House along Clementi Road. Sometime back I was there with Miss Piggy to have dinner. It was an old kampung house along the road where SIM and Ngee Ann Poly were situated. The place was supposedly well-known for its paper-wrapped chicken (pixs found from the web). Paper wrapped chicken consists of marinated chicken that is wrapped in paper and cooked and deep fried. Upon opening it, you would discover a highly seasoned combination of deep-fried chicken and Chinese vegetables. Cellophane paper is normally used.

I recalled it was pretty late about 8, 9pm when Miss Piggy and I arrived at the place. As it was a weekday, there were not many patrons. I forgot what we ordered except the must-try paper-wrapped chicken and the noodles. Was it fried tofu? I can't remember.

First reaction was the wrapped chicken was very very very oily. The chicken inside was succulent and tasty but we could not forget the oil was everywhere. Second reaction was the noodles served was plain with just some chye sim (veggies), and no other ingredients. Some sauce was added and that was it. We were supposed to eat the noodles together with the chicken. Overall I recalled both tasted ok. However when the bill came, we found it was a tad too expensive for just
plain noodles and few pieces of oily chicken (I can't remember how much was the bill though).

It was a nice try but I did not think I would go back again. And I have not.


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