Friday, 23 April 2010

Kyabje Lati Rinpoche - Discovering of Relics

Day 12 of Rinpoche's passing. Newsflash from Gaden Shartse Monastery:

Friday 23 April 2010, Lati Rinpoche's fire puja pyre (above) has just been uncovered this morning.

When the pyre was opened, many amazing relics have been found. Lati Rinpoche's heart relic is left behind unburnt and there is a small Vajrayogini deity seen in his heart (Rinpoche's main deity).

It was also revealed a little footprint has been discovered pointing towards the East direction, the same direction of the first smokes during the cremation.  This is indicative of the direction of the place of Rinpoche's rebirth. The size of the footprint also has a significant meaning. Since it is small, this indicates that Rinpoche's reincarnation will arrive very soon. This means that Rinpoche will return to us very soon.

Photos of Rinpoche's relics will be posted once we receive more news from the monastery in Mundgod, India. Stay tuned.

Rejoice! This is truly evidence of a genuine Great Lama and an Enlightened one.  May we continue to keep the faith in PRACTICING the Dharma. For followers of Rinpoche, please pray for Rinpoche's swiftest return. __/\__

Below were photos taken during the Grand Guru Puja and Tsog Offering on the evening of Lati Rinpoche's cremation on 19 April and it went on for the following 3 days and 3 nights. 

H.E. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche presided over the grand puja together with more than 1200 monks present.

Current Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery, Khen Rinpoche Khenpo Jangchup Choeden, Kensur Rinpoche Dakpa Tenzin, as well as young high lama reincarnate Shartrul Rinpoche and other Geshe-las were also present.

Even the younger monks joined in the grand puja. 

Rinpoche's stupa was elaborately decorated for the puja, in the aftermath of the cremation, with lights and flowers and food offerings. A splendid sight.

Tsog offerings to Rinpoche.

Lati Rinpoche's personal attendant, Sopon-la, made prayers and offering of khata to Rinpoche.

More than 1000 Sangha were present, chanting prayers for 3 days and 3 nights, after Rinpoche's cremation.

After the puja was completed, DPL members made offerings to each and everyone of the monks. 

Reincarnate high lama, H.E. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche circumambulated Lati Rinpoche's stupa after the puja. Behind was Sopon-la, Lati Rinpoche's personal attendant.
Lati Rinpoche's stupa pyre before it was opened up.

Why do relics manifest from the ashes of the Buddha and spiritual masters? When the Buddha was alive, the people of that time had the opportunity to actually see and hear him, to be blessed by him in his human form. When the Buddha passed into nirvana (the enlightened state),he compassionately left relics so that today we still have the opportunity to receive the blessings of the Buddha, directly, in order to help sentient beings generate faith in our mindstreams as a cause to receive blessings, purify our negativities, and accumulate merit. Spiritual masters throughout history have blessed the world with their relics in this way and this phenomenon is still happening today.

Viewing holy relics inspires us to develop our own hearts and minds, to develop loving-kindness and compassion and to understand spiritual teachings. This is the reason why relics are considered very holy and precious. Relics are manifested and left behind due to the kindness of holy beings in order for us sentient beings to collect merit and purify obscurations.

See other related posts:

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