Monday, 12 September 2011

12 Sept - Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup's last days and cremation

Venerable Roger blogged a touching account of the last days of Lama Lhundrup. Please refer to his account for the details.  I summarised below:

5 Sept:  When Lama Zopa Rinpoche visited Lama Lhundrup, they shared a quiet conversation, the atmosphere was calm.  Lama Lhundrup leaned very close and whispered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche very softly, "Even the very smallest pleasure is in the nature of suffering. If I have to go to the hell realms, may I be able to take on all their suffering, may it ripen on me.” 
6 Sept:  Lama Lhundrup asked for Kunkhen, his attendant, to help clean and wash his body, tongue and also asked for help to lie in the Buddha’s position (for passing away). He said he would not like to be disturbed and also did not want any more medication and food.

7 Sept:  In the morning, Kunkhen checked on Lama Lhundrup. When Lama Lhundrup moved and seemed restless, Kunkhen called for Jo (Lama Lhundrup’s nurse). She thought of giving him a small shot of morphine which they have never done before, because Lama Lhundrup took minimum amount of pain medication in order to keep his mind clear for doing prayers and meditating.  Lama Zopa Rinpoche came to see Lama Lhundrup. Immediately Lama Lhundrup said in English, “I don’t exist.”  Lama Zopa Rinpoche said,Lama Lhundrup did not manifest any ‘ordinary’ signs near death. Good practitioners would not have any fear of death but see it as a path, something to travel through, something you pass through. You use the death experience. Death isn’t to be feared and you shouldn’t think it is a big thing.” As Rinpoche was leaving the room Lama Lhundrup kept repeating, with his hands in the mudra of prostration, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

7 Sept:  In the evening 11.10pm, Kunkhen saw Lama Lhundrup took his last breath and went into clear light meditation.

8 Sept:  Lama Lhundrup was still in meditation, Lama Zopa Rinpoche visited to offer khata. Outside Lama Lhundrup's room, Kopan lamas were doing 24 hour prayers. Below is a short clip:

9 Sept:  Lama Lhundrup finished his clear light meditation. 

10 Sept: All Kopan monks and nuns offered khatas to Lama Lhundrup's holy body. After that, the public came to offer khatas.

11 Sept:  Several monks prepared Lama Lhundrup's body for the cremation, and dressed the body in the deity’s dress. Prayers and pujas have been done continuously, all day and night.

12 Sept:  Lama Lhundrup's cremation day. His holy body was being taken around the gompa, all the Kopan monks and nun offered khatas. Below is a short clip.

All 900 monks offering khatas to Lama Lhundrup's holy body which was taken around the gompa
Lama Lhundrup's holy body, led by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi & Dagri Rinpoche
Long procession around Kopan Monastery grounds
Reincarnate lamas led by Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche (front), reincarnation of Geshe Lama Konchog
Fire pyre before
Fire pyre sealed with Lama Lhundrup's holy body
Fire pyre ready and cremation site
While Lama Lhundrup's holy body was offered to the fire pyre, light rain drizzled.
Lama Lhundrup's holy body in fire ritual which lasted for more than 6 hours
Sangha offering khatas and last respect to Lama Lhundrup in main gompa

The cremation started at 3.30pm (Nepal time) at Kopan Monastery.  At 8pm (which is about 10pm Singapore time), the cremation has just finished. The fire was still burning and there would be pujas going throughout the night. There will be extensive prayers daily for the next 49 days.

Thus, another passing of a holy being. I have known of the passing of 3 great masters within a short span of 2 months, one of whom is my guru Khensur Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup. Last year, another of my guru entered Parinirvana, Kyabje Lati Rinpoche. May their reincarnation appear soon as a source of merit for us.

We will miss you here in Singapore, dear "Khenrinpoche" Lama Lhundrup. May you have a swiftest rebirth in the quickest possible time. Thank you for your teachings and blessings. See you soon, Rinpoche!  _/|\_

My other blog posts on Lama Lhundrup:
29 Sept 2011 - Project Swift Return
18 Sept 2011 - Devoting to a guru

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