Sunday 27 April 2008


I have taken so many new photos but I cant upload because I cant find my USB cable to upload from mobile to laptop!! Due to the shifting, I have not found where are some of my stuff as I have not finish unpacking. Have finally thrown all the rubbish from my old house, except the huge items which have to be sent off. These few weeks of going back to throw stuff and carrying back those that we still wanted, has taken its toil on me. Bodyache, lack of sleep even during weekends, endless unpacking. Just too sick of going to and fro the old house that I cant wait to handover my old house asap. I have got one more week left, thank god. Then it will be over. Fullstop to the old life.

These few days, found my childhood idol, someone whom I idolises in my teenage years. Plus an invitation from idol to meet up for tea one of these days, plus I got the contact number. I feel gleeful because the feeling is "at least there is some hope left in this world". Nothing beats reconnecting back to old days and the ones whom meant alot to me in my growing years. Things like this I dont mind "rewinding" and recollect the good times.

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